Saturday, 6 October 2012

Abortion: the recent claim

This post is all based on comments by the current Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt.

To put plainly, he has said the limit for abortion should be limited to 12 weeks - this has sparked outrage within the abortion rights campaigners.

now let's examine the issue - there are reasons why we could believe his opinion:

- medical care is improving so a baby born at 24 weeks (the current limit) can expect to survive
-idea of foetus feeling pain at this point

also important stat to consider which may influence decisions before we discuss the opposing views: 91% of women terminate pregnancy before 13 weeks.

so where does that leave us?

-mothers may make decisions based on the disability of the child etc. and although some testing can be done before 12 weeks others that may confirm it may not be possible until after the 12 weeks.

-sometimes the mother is a vulnerable teenager who hasn't plucked up the courage to tell anybody

-the beginning of life is different to each mother so why should one person have the right to judge?

-because the majority of the mothers do abort before the 12 weeks it seems that it is the most vulnerable who terminate after this date so shouldn't they be given more help.

An even more problematic issue that arises from reducing the abortion limit is that more women would consider the "backstreet" option which is dangerous --> could lead to even more detriment not just to the mother, the economy due to it being illegal it will need police forces to monitor and criminalise -- eventually leading to overall loss.

i'm not sure what to think really just presenting all the reasoning here - i may come with a decision soon.


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